14 December, 2010


Dunno if you've heard, but I have a new blog!

10 November, 2010

In Which I Try My Photography Skills....

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Oh yeah, we have a baby now...

I've been remiss.

9-9-10 we had a beautiful, healthy baby boy. Peter Isaiah was born at 2:57 pm, 8 lbs, 13 oz, 20.5 ins. (Labor/Birth post to come)

We love him :)

28 July, 2010

The Photoshoot

Some of you know that I won a free photoshoot in a contest a few months back. The Photographer, Kellie, of That's So You Photography, and I agreed that, since I was pregnant, we should wait until I was closer to term and make it a maternity shoot.

This was quite amazing, since I had been secretly wanting a maternity shoot, but didn't think I could bring myself to pay for pictures of a baby that wasn't even born yet! I had planned on hiring her down the road to take pictures of my little man, but I'm SO glad I got to have these done!

We met at Heritage Park in Cerritos on a Saturday morning. Kellie was great. I was the one who stepped in dog doo, leaned on ant trails, and laid in bird pee. What can I say? Nature loves me!

Anyway, enough about that, here are the pictures!!!

I think this one is my favorite...but I'm having a very hard time deciding!

Ack! See? I like this one too!

In case you didn't know by now, I don't like wearing shoes...

As you can see, Kellie is a very talented photographer (not to mention a great person and friend!). I am often amazed at how good she is at photographing children, and I am excited to have her help documenting the little personalities that join our family.

Only one more month till I get to meet my baby boy!

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25 May, 2010


I should never make open-ended promises that are online where no one (except myself) can hold me accountable. Remember poems? I might actually do them someday (who knows), so I won't apologize for not doing them, just in case.

Remember how I'm pregnant? So far it's great. I'm not going to blog about that either. This blog is mostly for philosophizing and puking up angst and so far I haven't needed to do that. (Thank goodness).

Confession: I have never seen Forest Gump. Or Grease. Which do you find more shocking?

Confession II: I don't usually let myself get excited for movies. Either I have confidence they'll be good, so why get excited, or I have a sneaking suspicion they'll be sub-par and I don't want to get my hopes up.

Still, there are two movies in the "Summer Blockbuster" category that I'm actually excited about. Sadly, they'll probably both be very cheesy and have bad dialogue, but hey, I'm still excited cause, well...they look cool.

There's The Last Airbender (See two awesome previews here). Doesn't that just look awesome? I'm excited for way they combine martial arts with the elements. These look like fight scenes that will be enjoyable to watch, in that they are actually beautiful. (Like those space battles in Star Trek. Thank you Mr. Abrams.)

And, of course, The A-Team (trailer). I have such fond memories of that show. The creative element is so fun (and probably the reason I like Burn Notice so much). I love Liam Neeson, and I've heard good things about the guy playing Murdock. I have a special place in my heart for Dwight Schultz, so this new guy better live up to expectations!!

Those films will probably not be my favorite of the summer, but since most people don't talk about or show previews for the types of movies I love, who knows what they will be.

I've been on a non-fiction kick (very strange for me). Right now I'm reading Understanding Child Development by my old professor A. Lynn Scoresby. Great man, great book. I saved it from college. Nugget for the day? Did you know that your brain grows two ways? It grows based on biological cues (that you have no control over), which continue until you are fully grown/developed. But also from mental stimulation (which you do control) that can continue over a lifetime. In fact, research shows that when you keep your brain active it stops aging.

Cool huh?

The other recent thing I learned is about the sensitive periods that exist for human beings. These key opportunities for learning coincide with rapid physical growth. Scientists have theorized that the sensitive period for emotional growth is from birth to five years, for mathematical, birth to five years, and linguistic, birth to ten years. These things can still be learned after that time, but children are more susceptible to them during their early years. As an educator, this kind of makes me sad, because it is easy to pick out the children that do not have one of these learning needs met in their home.

So, parents of the world, don't wait for your kids to start Kindergarten and expect them to thrive when they get there. If they're ready to learn something, go for it!

Two most important things you can do?
(in my opinion)
1. Teach them about books by reading to them and making books available to them.
2. Have conversations with them on many subjects (i.e. people, behavior, the world).

I'm not a parent yet, but I've studied a lot about children and how they work/think/learn. You've just received my two cents.

That's all for now folks. I wrote this post to prove to myself that I always have something to say and should write more....who knows, maybe I will.

But I'm not making any promises.

07 April, 2010

Participate in Graduate Research....if you wanna.

Hey, I just filled out a survey for a girl who's doing her thesis on Internet Folklore, specifically blogging (Yeah, for real). If you are interested in helping her, you can find the survey here. The more research she gets, the more accurate her study will be.

Two participants will receive $100 Target Gift Cards!!!

Oh! And also, for those of you who use Google Reader, I have a new header on my blog, come check it out!

05 April, 2010

Guess what?

It's a boy!

01 April, 2010

"Wee Manny," or "Posy"?

When we were little, I was my Grannie's "Posy" and all the boy cousins were "Wee Mannies" (except for my eldest brother who, as the eldest, had the distinction of being her "Wee Man").

My mother used to tell people that she had one princess and four frogs.

Now it's my turn. Whatever will we have? :)

You can VOTE over there ------>

03 March, 2010

From there to here

You may remember when I felt like this.

And I told you when I felt like this.

But I did not tell very many about this (newly imported from my private journal).

Not even this or this.

And certainly not this.

But I feel much more comfortable sharing a look into this most intimate journey I have been on, because of THIS.

What do you think?

I've wondered lately about my life, and my calling responsibilities in particular.

I've fretted and worried about my abilities, or lack thereof, specifically organization, and decision making....things that do not come naturally to me, but I know are important.

So that must be why I was called to this position?

To learn these important lessons, to "make weak things strong unto [me]".

But sometimes I wonder, if perhaps that's why we have councilors and secretaries, to even out the load, to fill in for each others' lack. Perhaps this is a way for weak things to become strong.

So that must be why I was called to this position?

To share important burdens, to jointly fill essential needs.

But also I ponder (and apparently others do too), that perhaps I already have within me, all that is required. That my abilities, my strengths: calmness, love, innovation, knowledge, and teaching are perhaps the most important things that can be given to those I serve.

And that is why I was chosen for this position?

To fret less about what is hard and unnatural for me, and instead to invest my time, "Improv[ing] the Shining Moments". Taking what is best about me, and giving it all my effort.

I don't know. Perhaps all three?

What do you think?

19 February, 2010

In the meantime: Riddles!

While you wait for me to stop procrastinating write your poems, here are some riddles to keep you busy! If you are the first to solve, there may even be a prize!



Vanguard of my family, Crowded by my enemy

Known for equanimity, Home to anemone


Chosen to complete my task

Trained in service while at home

To serve my liege is all I ask

Soon I’ll be allowed to roam

And join my sisters in their quest

Learn to dance the aged routine

Seek and find gold without rest

And offer treasure to my Queen.

Note: Using google is cheating, but collaborating with a friend is teamwork!

12 February, 2010

Poetry on Demand

I'm trying to be more creative, and so I'm asking for your help with an experiment.

Do you think I could write poetry on demand? Let's find out.

Please comment and I will do my best to write about you (or another person/subject of your choice).

If I don't know you, leave your blog address so I can do a little spying.

I think poetry (of all kinds) is eminently appropriate for the Valentine's season, don't you?

WARNING: These poems will most likely be abstract, confusing drabbles. I can't help how my mind works!

10 January, 2010

We all feel like this sometimes....right?

My life is filling up with wonderful, frightening things.

I feel like God has certain things he needs me to learn, and learn fast, before becoming a parent and splitting my focus.

I feel like I must be the most spiritual, the most organized, the most worthy, the most loving, and the most determined I've ever been in my whole life.

I'm going to be awesome, but I'm terrified.

I've never liked hard work.

There is a war within me. A war between growth and comfort, rightness and ease.

Succeeding is so important to me, but I want it to be easy.




Perhaps it is a blessing I have no child as of yet. I've never been a good multi-tasker.

Hello life. Please don't hurt me!

Now is the time.


