So I was playing around with Facebook and I made a penguin picture on reminded of a haiku I wrote in college that I was very proud of. Haiku are traditionally about nature, so we were asked to go through a National Graphic and choose something as our inspiration.
Here's where the challenge comes in! I'd like all of you to do the same. Just take a few minutes and either grab a magazine, or use google. Write a haiku about a picture you find. I couldn't find my original picture, but this one carries the feeling fairly well.
I like haiku....good ones are like See's Candy. Just take a few and savor the moment!
Here I go:
Black and White Romance
Cold air Cannot Cool ardor
Penguins are kissing
OK, now it's your turn!
Printable Schedule Cards
3 years ago
What's the format of a haiku? I haven't written one since sixth grade.
The classic is 5-7-5 I believe.
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